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Mint & Watermelon Green Tea Refresher

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This easy drink recipe combines green tea, mint, and watermelon. A fruity twist on tea that’s perfect for summer weather, this easy iced green tea recipe is going to refresh your socks right off.

Or try this tropicallilikoi gingerade.

watermelon iced tea recipe in a ball jar

Refreshing watermelon iced green tea recipe

Iced green tea is lovely on its own, of course, but this recipe ups the flavor with the addition of watermelon juice.

Make watermelon juice

Watermelon is possibly one of the juiciest fruits and yet it’s rare that we serve watermelonjuice. (Why is that??) When fresh watermelon is in season, why not give it a (literal) whirl? Start by placing cubes of seedless watermelon in your blender. Process on low, adding water a little at a time just until the cubes are fully processed into a liquid. Adding too much liquid will water down the flavor.

If you have a watermelon with seeds, process in a similar manner, but strain the juice through a sieve to remove the seeds before using it.

You’ll use two cups of watermelon juice for this recipe. If you have extra, freeze it in an ice cube tray and serve this watermelon green tea over watermelon ice cubes. Or add them to your next fruit smoothie.

Once the watermelon juice is made, it’s a simple matter of brewing up some green tea, adding a bit offresh mint leaves, and then allowing it to cool.

watermelon iced tea recipe in a ball jar

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watermelon iced tea recipe in a ball jar

Watermelon Iced Green Tea Refresher

Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

The perfect refreshment with just a hint of natural caffeine.


  • 2 green tea bags
  • 3-5 mint leaves
  • 2 cups watermelon juice
  • 2 cups water
  • Ice


  1. Boil two cups of water and steep the green tea bags for 3 minutes.
  2. Add mint and steep for two minutes more. Allow to cool.
  3. Add ice to a cup, fill ½ way with green tea and the remaining ½ with watermelon juice.
  4. Garnish with mint leaves and watermelon ball, if desired.
Nutrition Information:
Yield:4 Serving Size:1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Calories:23 Unsaturated Fat:0g Sodium:7mg Carbohydrates:5g Sugar:4g

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Meet the Author

Claudie Evert

Claudie Evert is passionate about living lightly on the earth. She digs in the garden, cooks food from scratch, and will -- someday -- master the art of picking out a ripe watermelon.

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