
A Publishers Weekly top ten pick from National Geographic Books!

Hydroponics 101: An Introduction to Growing Food Hydroponically

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In a nutshell, hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil; instead, nutrients are provided via a water-based system.




Hydroponics is considered to be one of the solutions for shrinking agricultural land and soil on planet Earth.

But that is one for the future. At present, hydroponics is growing in popularity across urban spaces.

有一个成长的群体urban cultivators谁使用水耕系统从简单地生长任何东西草药蔬菜和水果。

With minimal investment and an understanding of the underlying concepts, anyone can grow plants using hydroponics.

Why choose hydroponics?

Resource Conservation





Growers can grow with hydroponics anywhere, even in arable places andin space.



Fewer pesticides are used when growing hydroponically, making environmental sense and creating healthy produce.

a hand holding a hydroponically grown lettuce plant, with roots visible

Grow year-round with hydroponics


But when you grow food indoors, all the variables are under your control. This includes temperature, light, and nutrients.

所以你可以种植自己的食物and enjoy fresh veggies all through the year, even in winter. In this way, hydroponics is at least ten to twenty times more productive than regular gardening.


What is hydroponic growing good for?



Fruits liketomatoes, strawberries, and胡椒are also grown widely by either hobbyist and commercial growers with the similar or better yields than soil-grown counterparts.

Plants such as corn, pumpkins, etc. are more challenging because they are larger, heavier, and require more space.

与此同时,生根和块茎作物喜欢土豆, carrots, and beets require deep growing media so that they can develop starchy roots & tubers and are not recommended for hydroponic gardens.


主要有六种类型的水培工方法,从简单,无源系统wicking要么深水文化to the more advanced forms –nutrient film techniques,退潮和流量, drip, and aeroponics.


每个都有自己的优点和disadvantages, but all work well to grow soilless plants.

You can make a small DIY hydroponic system at home or easily get a ready-made hydroponic system kit and set it up in less than an hour.

Sunlight or Grow Lights

Nothing can beat the sun when it comes to maximizing your plants’ potential growth. So if you have a sunny spot or a windowsill in your home, place your plants there.


The goal here is to help plants create food by photosynthesis, and grow lights have been used widely and have produced the results on par with the sunlight.

The most popular lights used for growing plants include compact fluorescent lights (CFL), T5 fluorescent tubes, HIDs (High-intensity Pressure) bulbs, and the latest LED grow light technologies.

Depending on your budget and the size of growing area, you can choose from CFL bulbs with just several bucks to the costly LED lights well over one thousand dollars.

Can hydroponics be organic?

Most要么ganic proponents会同意仅使用天然材料生长有机产品。

Many environmentally-inclined hydroponic growers have adapted by using nutrients like blood meal, fish bones, etc. and using coconut coir with added worm castings as growing media.


lettuce in black planters set into a hydroponic floating mat (white)


In November 2017, the国家有机标准委员会, an advisory board to the USDA announced its decision to allow hydroponic operations to be certified USDA organic.

有机支持者的强烈反对,陈述水培生长不支持土壤健康,有机耕种的基础是土壤,这在扮演着重要作用combating climate changes.

Labeled organic or no, hydroponically grown plants are grown in a closed, controlled environment that often uses fewer pesticides.



Asian man in a dark t-shirt with arms crossed Max writes about hydroponics and indoor gardening.

He loves growing everything on his own and helps out aroundGreen and Vibrant.


Meet the Author

Kris Bordessa

Kris Bordessa founded Attainable Sustainable as a resource for revitalizing vintage skills. Her book,可实现的可持续性:迷失的自主生活艺术(National Geographic) offers a collection of projects and recipes to help readers who are working their way to a more fulfilling DIY lifestyle.

2comments…add one
  • Vasanth安居 Sep 29, 2018, 1:42 am

    Home Home的水培养殖需要更少的维护,更少的水,它不会占据更多空间。此外,它需要控制环境。家庭水培是商业养殖的最佳方式。

  • Vasanth安居 2018年10月11日,上午2:42

    Hydroponics plants in India grow faster and healthier than other forms of agriculture as minerals and nutrients are given directly to the roots of the plants at all time. This mineral water is changed according to the schedules and in NFT method of hydroponics.
