Container vegetable gardening is a great solution for people who have limited yard space. It’s also a way to bypass poor soil conditions. Here’s what you need to know to choose theright您的城市花园的容器。
一定要查看这些easy vegetable crops, too — many work well in container gardens!
This is a guest post from Tiffany at Don’t Waste the Crumbs.
有时感觉就像我的家一样want我有一个花园。我们租了一个别墅(所以没有体育rmanent structures) in California (with severedrought)并具有由沙子(即没有土壤)组成的后院。我们解决了最后两个问题重新使用房子水来花园and employingdozens of ways to naturally fertilize store-bought dirt for free.
在租用的城市环境中生长一个菜园,需要有点努力。我们怎样才能为禁止偏离丰富的花园我们的小杂货预算when we can’t even dig up the yard? Enter garden containers!
Growing Vegetables in Pots for Beginners
Large vegetable container – 18″ to 22″
This is what most people think of when they think of vegetable container gardening. These large planters are best for single vegetables that need a lot of root space, cages, or atrellis.
- Tomatoes
- 藤蔓黄瓜
- Pole beans
- String peas
- Tomatillos
Tip: Kris has had great success with large生长袋子for her vegetable container gardening.
中型花园容器 - 10“至18”
- Peppers
- Bush beans
- Bush cucumbers
- Lettuces
- 菠菜
- 甜菜
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- 萝卜
- 茄子
- Peas
- Chard
- Celery
Small Containers – 6″ to 10″
Best Plants for Small Containers:
When you can’t plant at ground level, consider planting above! Some plants actually do better when they’re not lying on the ground and with vertical gardening you can utilize the space, freeing up the ground surface for plants that need it. A hanging vegetable container garden helps combat pests, too.
Tip: Hanging doesn’t have to mean high. Use longer ropes so the plants are within reach.
Best Plants for Hanging Containers:
Window boxes
Best Plants for Window Boxes:
- 甜菜
- Strawberries
- 绿豆
- Radishes
- Green onion
- Celery
- Herbs
Raised garden beds
The biggest “container” of the bunch, raised garden beds are an easy way to work around the limitation that are problematic for many renters: no-permanent structures. You can建造一个15美元的凸起床这对于喜欢漫游的植物来说是完美的。
- Zucchini
- 壁球
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
- Tomatoes
Tip: Maximize the space within your garden bed with城市广场脚园艺.
General tips for choosing a container for a vegetable garden
- Err on the large side; the bigger the pot the better. More pot means a better yield.
- Be sure your container has a drainage hole – especially important if you’re recycling containers that might not already have a drainage hole.
- Instead of wondering what to plant in your container, start with what you want to grow and find a container that works.
- Ask friends what works for them – you canlearn a lot from their experience!
蒂芙尼对喂养她的家庭真正的食物和生活更健康的生活,而不会破产!她分享了她对预算的真正食物的热情,并在婴儿大小的进步下文件Don’t Waste the Crumbs.
集装箱园艺是一个绝对的胜利 - 为那些有更多空间,小盆的人,那些试图在他们的房子或公寓里有一点变化的人来说。
Even if you have a lot of garden space, container gardening is something to consider. Containers are really easy to keep weed free. You do need to make sure they don’t dry out in summer heat.
我非常感谢偶然发现这个网站。我们住在其中一个床上的镇上,院子很小。几年前,我大胆开始在厨房前面种植蔬菜。土豆,西红柿,菠菜,莴苣和胡萝卜的产量很惊人。我通过牺牲两棵拥抱墙壁的树木创造了更多的空间,而不是在我们的花园的其余部分是浓密的任何目的。我们尝试了甜蜜的土豆,如我所处的缺乏,我从来没有想过,我面临着那种广泛爬行的植物。我惊慌失措,决定停止甜土豆,但收获让我无言以对。这么巨大的产品!然后我在同一区域种植壁球不知道它也爬行。我们在12月收获了,这是我们在我们的圣诞晚餐桌上的我们自己的小花园里有蔬菜的骄傲。 This thing continued to grow and crawl as we continued to get summer rains. Unbeknown to me, it was no longer the squash that was fiercely growing but the sweet potato. My helper who knows a lot about gardening explained to me that the sweet potato never really goes away. So with the rains and richness of the soil it just came back to life. I don’t have enough space to allow that crawling so i’m going to have to seek advice on how to stop it altogether.
Hi Tiffany! You can plant tomatoes in a hanging container as well! love your tips!
Please check out Larry Hall on FaceBook and Youtube for watering ideas in Ca. I live in Martinez, CA and will be using his watering system next year.
I’m having trouble with that function. Hopefully it will be restored soon!