
A Publishers Weekly top ten pick from National Geographic Books!

Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe

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What if you could preserve the flavor of summertime berries in a jar? You can! This homemade strawberry jam recipe is easy for beginners, sweetened with honey, and you’ll be able to savor the goodness of garden fresh berries all year long!

You should also try making this草莓鞋匠当浆果在季节!万博滚球app


Making — and preserving — jams and and jellies is one of the easiest ways to get started with home canning. I won’t go so far as to say it’s foolproof, but it’s pretty hard to make a mess of homemade jam. It’s one of my favorite projects to suggest for people who are just toying with the idea ofcanning at home

Home Canning with Confidence

如果你是罐头的新人,但喜欢用货架稳定的食品室装满你的食品室的想法,考虑投资这一点Home Canning with Confidence e-course与我的朋友Melissa Norris今天开始。

在其中,梅丽莎覆盖了基本罐装安全到压力罐装肉类的一切。(是的,你可以做到这一点!)前往Home Canning with Confidence学习如何拥抱这种食品保存方法,并用家庭生产的食品储存储存!

草莓酱配方 - 在家制作它!


So, making strawberry jam — or any jam recipe — is easy. It’s a matter of smashing berries and adding a sweetener. Old fashioned pectin brands (like Sure Jell) require crazy amounts of sugar in order to create the “gel” for a thick jam. I prefer to use Pomona brand, since it allows me to use much less sweetener. There are a couple of steps when using this brand, but they’re easy steps.

rows of homemade strawberry jam

首先,您将使用钙粉(在小包中),并将1/2茶匙粉末混合1/2杯水。这将导致我们称之为钙水。你将有比你需要更多的钙水。将剩下的冰箱放入冰箱中为您的下一批自制堵塞。[这个集合100 jam and jelly recipesmight inspire you.]

You’ll add this calcium water to the crushed strawberries.


That’s it. You’ve just made homemade strawberry jam. Easy, right?

process images of water bath canning jam

Canning Safety


  • Know the difference between水浴罐压力罐。低酸项必须是pressure canned为了安全。
  • 改变成分可能会改变食谱的pH,造成安全问题。
  • Use the proper jars and lids. Never reuse lids, with the exception of the Tattler lids that are intended for such a purpose.
  • For more on canning equipment,请去这里
  • This recipe has been made following safe canning procedures.


This is often the sticking point for people who have never canned before. It’s something “new” and why is it that we think “new” is difficult?? It’s not! You’ll need special罐装罐子,盖子和戒指(read more aboutcanning equipmenthere).



Here’s a more detailed look at canning jam and jelly.

jars of red jam in a line

★你把这个草莓酱cipe? Don’t forget to give it a star rating below! ★


Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam

产量: 80servings
Prep Time: 30分钟
煮熟时间: 30分钟
罐头时间: 10分钟
Total Time: 1小时10分钟

What if you could preserve the flavor of summertime berries in a jar? You can! This homemade strawberry jam recipe is easy for beginners, sweetened with honey, and you'll be able to savor the goodness of garden fresh berries all year long!


  • 8 cups mashed fresh strawberries
  • 1杯蜂蜜,(或1-1 / 2杯糖)
  • 1 box Pomona brand pectin


Prep ahead:

  1. 从Pomona果胶制备钙水。将1/2茶匙钙粉(小包装)和1/2杯水放入一个小罐中,盖子。在使用前摇匀。
  2. Fill a canning pot with water, set the lid in place, and heat on high heat until just boiling while you're cooking the jam.


  1. 将捣碎的草莓卷成一个大锅,以及4茶匙的制备的钙水。处理果酱的过程照片
  2. 在单独的碗中,将蜂蜜(或糖)与4茶匙果胶粉(大包络)结合,直至彻底组合。
  3. 把草莓煮沸。加入甜味剂,剧烈搅拌几分钟以溶解果胶。一旦恢复到完全煮沸,从热量中取出。

Canning strawberry jam

  1. 钢包热草莓酱进入半品脱罐子到四分之一英寸的边缘。一个罐头漏斗使这很容易。
  2. Wipe jar rims to remove any jam that may have spilled. A clean rim is essential to a good seal.
  3. 将罐盖设置到位。手指紧紧的螺丝带。
  4. Use a jar lifter to gently submerge jars into hot water in canning pot. Water should cover the top of the jars by an inch. The water will cool somewhat in reaction to the addition of the jars. Return the water to a low boil and then set the timer.
  5. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Add a minute to the boiling time for every 1,000' above sea level.
  6. Check seals. Lids should be solid and pulled down tight. (if they flex and pop, the jar didn’t seal; put unsealed jars in the refrigerator and use those first).
  7. Remove rings and wash outsides of jars. Store in a cool, dry place.


You can mash strawberries by hand or a use a food processor to make a finer jam.

Makes 9-10 half pints

Nutrition Information:
产量:80 服务大小:1 grams
每份的量: Calories:50 Unsaturated Fat:0g Sodium:323mg Carbohydrates:12g 纤维:2g 糖:6G 蛋白:1g

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Meet the Author


Kris Bordessa成立可实现可持续的可持续资源,以振兴复古技能。她的书,可实现的可持续性:迷失的自主生活艺术(National Geographic) offers a collection of projects and recipes to help readers who are working their way to a more fulfilling DIY lifestyle.

  • Darlene e barry 2020年4月8日,晚上10:35

    Im embarrassed to ask but what is the calcium powder? Your book is amazing!

    • 克里斯波尔塞萨 Apr 12, 2020, 10:31 am

      The calcium powder is a packet that comes with Pomona brand pectin. It’s a bit different than other brands and allows me to use less sugar. (And thanks!)

  • 安妮 Apr 9, 2020, 1:35 am


    • 克里斯波尔塞萨 Apr 12, 2020, 10:31 am

      This particular recipe is made to work with Pomona pectin. It’s a bit different than other brands and allows me to use less sugar. The calcium packet comes WITH the Pomona pectin.

    • Eleanore Bloniarz May 25, 2020, 10:48 am


  • 内华达州奥维尔 2020年4月9日,上午10:27

    never heard of pomona pectin.can another brand be used?

    • 克里斯波尔塞萨 4月12日,2020年10:30

      This particular recipe is made to work with Pomona pectin. It’s a bit different than other brands and allows me to use less sugar.

  • 罗宾 Jun 13, 2020, 1:20 pm


    • 克里斯波尔塞萨 2020年6月21日,下午3:39

      我猜你的意思是pomona pectin?通常在天然食品商店或在线提供。
